Monday, August 27, 2012

Machines for Thinking

In his book, Practical Judgements, Mark Kingwell discusses the concept of furniture as machines for thinking, observing very few people of letters seem to discuss such things. "How these rooms are furnished, what pieces inhabit them and give them shape, determines in large measure what kinds of thoughts are possible there," he writes. "The rooms of our existence are throbbing with thoughts waiting to happen, with insights struggling into the ever-changing light."

Humphrey especially enjoys climbing up to the top of any piece of furniture for the purpose of thinking.

Exploring perspectives atop many chairs, chesterfields, and beds, Humprhey has been giving thought to Kingwell's thesis. Humphrey's colleague Harpo recently asked him, "How do you go about writing?"

"Well, Harpo," he said, pausing. As a prelude to his own writing, Humphrey routinely selects a purposeful spot - usually on his favorite, fluffy bed - to contemplate, collect and organize his thoughts. Sometimes, he closes his eyes, allowing his mind to be lulled into a relaxed and creative state. "I guess I start with a good stretch, and then I lie down on my silk bed under the desk, and let my thoughts pool and swirl."
When operating machines for thinking, Humphrey sometimes resembles a polar bear.

Yes, Humphrey finally concluded privately, Kingwell is right! All these pieces of furniture, these are machines for thinking! Some machines are for dreamy, creative thoughts; others are machines that energize and alter him. That bed is indeed his machine for a certain kind of thinking.

Wondering about how others make use of machines for thinking, Humphrey asked his guardian about the matter. She had a few ideas of her own.
A modern chair is the perfect machine for modern ideas. This one is clear and ethereal, just right for postmodern work!

Old machines like this chair and footstool can be modernized for thinking, but remind us of a certain charm of days gone by.

A luxurious sofa is the best machine for leisurely thought, especially when one wants to free-associate.

And finally, like Humphrey, she agreed that a bed is perhaps the best machine for thinking of all, one which the body is so comfortable that it allows for entirely unencumbered contemplation.

Humphrey remembers Kingwell's words: "Stop now, and listen. Listen hard. Listen for the sound of machines for thinking whispering their thoughts to you. They whisper of love and death and honour lost. They sing of good meals and funny friends and art that moves you. They welcome your achievements and ease your pain. They support you when you can no longer support yourself."

Sunday, August 26, 2012

August is a time for feasting...

About a week ago, Humphrey was gently lured out of his afternoon siesta slumber state by a familiar scent.

He rushed downstairs to see what was going on. "Is it Christmas? Seems awfully warm for a feast like this!" he asked the poeple. Nobody answered, but there were all sorts of very interesting sounds just outisde the patio door. Humphrey made his way to the patio and behold....

...a very full barbeque awaited his inspecction!!

Before long, a very special meal was served to mark the end of summer and his return to Willowdale.

It was a wonderful end to his summer holiday, and he can't wait to return for his next southwestern Ontario feast. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Lazy Summer Days

Humphrey apologizes for the absense of posts this summer. It's been a time of relaxation.

Here's how summer has shaped up for him so far..
Most days, Humphrey prefers to get up at precisely 10:30 AM. Something about those Yves Delorme clover sheets make it almost tragic to have to leave the bed. But then again, summer days offer many different adventures...
Once fully awake, all kinds of great things are in store for Humphrey. When the weather is sunny, he looks forward to his swim (and initiating then supervising the process of chlorinating the pool). This, of course, is followed by the process of drying out his coat under the big apple tree.
By 2PM, he's ready for his afternoon siesta. Swimming and pool maintenance can be exhausting!

Rejuvinated, afternoons are time to work on choreography projects featuring his favorite squeakies(when his knee doesn't prevent it)...

Before long, it's supper time! Nothing beats a barbeque with goodies from Ted Farron's...

Or even better, a trip to Arcata for some of that famous Windsor take-out pizza!

...followed by a trip to Dari de Lite for retro, drive-in style soft ice cream!
An evening walk ends the day, and before you know it, it's time for sleep.

All this activity makes keeping up with blogging nearly impossible. But he promises to catch up soon!