Friday, June 21, 2013

A day in the life

Humphrey promised to post about his new home - without further ado, here is a day in his life...

Humphrey wakes up among his fluffy pillows with the morning light streaming in, and a cool cross-breeze tickling his furry coat.

 The original owners had a relative who was a carpenter, so Humph has plenty of architectural details to enjoy. He looks up at the medallion on the sloped cathedral ceiling - it looks good enough to eat, and he imagines it would taste like marzipan icing.  
He loves the Chinese Chippendale chair in the corner (viewed from the dresser). It reminds him of Jonathan Adler.
Humphrey's  aesthetic touch is everywhere - when he was a puppy, he gravitated towards things white and yellow. He was happiest in any Coach retail store. Perhaps a camouflage instinct? To accommodate his preferences, the entire house was painted in shades of white.

Is it already time to head downstairs???? Humphrey is so happy to finally have some stairs to play on.

Not before a quick peek into the study, and a nod to the Karl Lagerfeld  reproduction drawings on the wall. Quel inspiration! He's avoiding the guest room, because it's a disastrous work in progress at the moment.

And a peek at the cheery, commemorative Holt Renfrew Via Italia poster. Caio! This room really reminds him of Coach!

Then, it's down to inspect the living room, with so many sunny spots for napping.

Every morning, Humph insists on a quick sunbath on the south patio before going anywhere. It needs to be repainted, but the wood feels good against his skin. He peers through the railing to the backyard below, stretches, and lies down...

...but not for long! The ruckus outside leads him to the north patio (yes, the north patio!) where he  barks out a morning hello to Alfie, Georgie, and Gloria who also appear to be on their front patios!
Humph loves to have both the north and south doors open for a wonderful summer breeze.

And before you know it, it's time for a walk!

Followed by some quality time with a certain squeaky toy in the backyard, on the cushy chaisse.
It's great to have a backyard, but boy does it need his green thumb! And the ground floor family room needs a poodle's magic touch too, so no photos of that just yet.

Then to the dining room to set the table in time for.....

A meal on a proper table!

Then catching some TV. with someone special..

And ending the day with a nap on his favorite pillow, perched atop the sofa.

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