Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mikey & Chewey Host Humphrey

Humphrey is anxiously awaiting his trip home, but in the mean time, he is enjoying some very special friends! He was so grateful to Mikey the Bichon for being "the host with the most" recently....and by most, Humphrey is of course referring to Mikey's housemate, a 21-year-old cockateel, Chewey. And an impressive assortment of toys.
Humphrey has come very close to many wild birds on the plentiful Toronto patio cafes he frequents, but this was his first nose-to-nose encounter with a domestic avian friend. Chewey pre-emptively pecked Humph on the nose, just to make sure everyone knows who's boss, though Mikey's guardian pointed out that both Humphrey and Mikey start licking their lips every time they close to Chewey. Despite the chop-licking, it was a civil playtime and Chewey impressed everyone with his vocal abilities.
As a big thank you, Humphrey has prepared a look-a-like for Mikey, and hopes that Mikey will take it with good humour. Since he hasn't a photo of Chewey, that will have to wait for another time.


  1. Hey Humphrey, this is Mikey. Wow, thanks so much for the cool pictures!
    Mommie said your visit saved me from having a bath, as I was just getting ready
    for the big splash. Chewey and I are looking forward to future visits, so hope
    to see ya soon.
    Mikey (Woof)
    & Chewey (squawk)

  2. Mikey - I'm relieved I spelled Chewey correctly (or maybe your Mummy is just being polite!). I wasn't going to mention the bath in hopes she would forget and save you from that horror. Can't wait to see you again,
    Humph :)

  3. Hi ya Humphrey,

    Its ok :-) it is spelled Chewie, but he does not care. As long as he gets his food and lots of attention.
    No luck today, I had my bath. Tried to get out of it, but Mom is too fast for me.
    We just had another visit. I was REALLY excited in more ways than one to see you!!!
    You can come over anytime and we can have fun with my toys.

    Till next time,
    Tail wags,
    Mikey (woof!)
