Friday, July 8, 2011

Feelin' Groovy

Humphrey started out his walk at the very top of the big hill, looking down at the neighbourhood around him while the branches of the big ash shielded him from the hot July sun...

He heard Snickers call out to him from the base of the hill, "Hello, Humphrey, watcha knowin'?"

"I've come to watch the flowers growin'! Ain't you got no rhymes for me?" he replied, as Tory came to join them...
...then came Lucky, who prefers to be called Lady Gaga and has the seductive moves to live up to her nickname...

...and finally Bijoux joined the fun...

...Bijoux told everyone about his recent trip to visit Brinkley, and what it takes to be top dog despite dimunitive size!

After all that raucus play, Humphrey was ready for a nap. He sang to himself as he drifted off, eyes getting heavier and heavier...

I got no deeds to do, no promises to keep,
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.
Let the evening drop all its petals on me.
Willowdale I love you, all is groovy!

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